Saturday, March 03, 2007


Quite a lot of change since the last postage.

Decided to leave the mount, it had been a while and was getting a little boring.

Laurence and I headed to Auckland last week and I dropped him off at the airport. (Hi Laurence! How's South America?) The next day I quit my job at Breakers and 4 of us decided to head down to sunny Napier in Hawkes Bay. (The 2 danish Peter's and Carly from Oz) Carly and I drove down first and the Peter's met us in the evening. We almost ran out of Petrol which got a bit hairy! (Laurence - we got 70 k's after the light came on - Sweet!) It's quite hard to tell how much petrol is in the car as the guage always points to empty.. You only know when the light comes on.. And if you are in the middle of nowhere there's not much you can do :)

Anyway we did a day of Apple Picking, One of the Peter's and Carly have gone back again to do it today whereas Me and the other Pete decided to look for something else in town.. Not my cup o tea..!

We also stayed in an old Prison the first night which was interesting.. But checked out the next day, it was a bit minging, and only stopped being a prison like 10 years ago so bit scary..

Here are some photo's.
Last few days in the Mount enjoying the beach.
The mount in the background.. Never did climb up it, but i'll be back for my birthday.
Huka Falls on the way to Napier.
The water was so cool and blue and travelled mighty fast, Too rough to raft on though apparaently.
Our first stop when we got to Napier. The beach!
The prison..
Well One of the Pete's and Carly didn't mind it so much, we are now staying in a 4 star plus art deco backpackers in town that is amazing. Much better.
After prison, a day of hard labour apple picking. Not happy!
Gorgeous day though and we all ate about 20 apples each.
Lots more to mention but not now, i'm about to get my second car parking ticket..
Andy :)

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