Monday, January 15, 2007


Hey Guys,

Still here in surfy gizzy. Just to let you know that I did buy some postcards in Hong Kong which I wrote and put stamps on but forgot to actually post.. I thought I would post them when I got to New Zealand instead which is what I did, but after posting realised I put them in the internal mail postbox (NZ post only)

So with the wrong stamps, the wrong country and the wrong postbox it may take a while for them to get to you.. My bad. I was in my jetlag induced coma at the time.

Sorry about the photos guys. I will get them done eventually. These interent cafes are basically grey boxes with internet and email. You can't do anything else on them. As soon as I find one with a USB and a desktop i'll get em up. I have seen laptops for $898 which is like 317 pounds (sorry no pound sign) so that may be the way forward once I have a job. A lot of guys have them and it's so much easier to keep track of music and photos.

The other day the surf was really bad so everyone from th hostel went up to this river where there is a massive rock face that you can slide down. Sounds bizarre but was so fun. Like one of those massive waterslides at huge water parks but made of rock.. There are some hilarious pics.

Laurence produced these rubber duck ring things which were so cool. If not a little small. People had bodyboards and rings and massive doughnuts. The evenings now consist of everyone in the hostel showing off who has the best bruises.. Laurence, Trev, Sarah and John (guys from hostel) all had wetsuits on and I only had boardies so I win obviously. We have decided to go back with some bigger inflatables (sp?) but will wait till the bruising has gone down..

Had possibly the hottest day yesterday so far and everyone was hungover which wasn't good. A night out in Gizzy reminded me and Laurence of being out in Bideford like 5 or 6 years ago. Not good. Still muggy and hot.. Just chilling out before I have to get a job. Probably in Mount Manganui, I liked it there. BBQ's, beaches, drinking etc for now though so i'm happy :)

Let me know what your all up to.


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